Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Be nice. Its my first blog, ever.

Driving in my car this morning (Which happens to be a hawt 05' Neon. Jealous? Didn't think so), I found myself daydreaming of having a successful blog one day. Which I know can/will never happen for many reasons:

1. I blow at writing. I can't even read my own handwriting most of the time. OK for blogging. Bad if you are in the medical field (IE, me).

2. That's probably good enough reason.

But. Screw reasons, IMA BLOG MY HEART OUT!

I have some mild form of Hand Foot and Mouth disease right now thanks to my toddler. I have 4 pustules festering in my mouth at the moment which makes eating difficult.

Difficult. Not impossible.

Food and I have a love/hate relationship. It loves to enter my mouth by any means necessary and add billions of fat cells to my body. Once it enters my mouth, I find my hands shoveling it in there involuntarily. I kinda look like that. Minus the hot dog of course. I don't eat the animals.  

Food is a whole other issue. More on that later.

Anywho, I just got back from gymnastics with my toddler so I probably have ringworm all over my hands and feet. I love being a walking cesspool. Time to get the Brillo pads.